Restaurant Reviews

Hi..I am very very very fond of eating...eating new cuisines.....I am putting down my reviews on restaurant I visited in Bangalore...

1) Silver Metro...Located at Total Mall...they have a buffet system ...where you need to pay 250 rs + VAT for the unlimited buffet...which includes both vegetarian and non vegetarian cuisines..

Silver Metro is a theme based restaurant which looks like a metro rail...Ambience is very really get the true feeling of sitting in a metro....the seating is quite comfortable...

What i didnt like was the food !! They didnt have much variety in their offerings...they had good variety in desserts but still the quality wasnt upto mark...

I am not including the menu they keep changing their menu according to the day of the week...

Not worth 250 bucks !!

2) InfiniTEA...

I am a pure TEA lover...just love them...infinitea is a dedicated restaurant for TEA...they have got lots of variety ...

Its located at cunningham road...has got good seating not up to the mark...

You get meals, and snacks too in the cafe...Tea being their main item , they have a seperate menu for tea..I had ordered Assam tea...and Masala tea...Masala tea had a bit extra spices which was not fine...

The cafe needs good music...the reason being gets too crowded ...and which results in a big chaos where u get disturbed by what others are music is must...

The interiors have got a touch of TEA in everything directly or indirectly...with posters, show pieces..etc etc...

Till now one of the best cafe's in bangalore...its really a nice place to will feel very comfortable...

3) The EGG Factory.....

Eggs...if you are an egg lover..and looking for eggs need to visit egg factory..nothing special about it...I didnt found this place upto the mark with its cuisine...

Egg factory's interior has got a factory types interior...the loo is really amazing..a must visit !!

Pricing is not too high..but taste of the cuisine isnt what it should especially when its a dedicated restaurant for eggs...

Do try the pink lady smoother if you visit egg factory...its located at st.Marks road....

4) Tavaa, Brigade road...

Missing that typical street food taste in your chicken tikka masala ?? Well Tavaa is the place to be...located at brigade road opposit dubai plaza...

This is a simple restaurant...not good when it comes to service..but ya indeed good when it comes to taste and value for money...a chicken tikka masala costs 110 bucks and quantity is enough to feed 2 adults !!

No music...a very low tone...almost vacant always...not many people are aware about this restaurant..may be it needs to refurbish its interiors to attract people...

Well for taste..thumbs up !!

5) Mavalli Tiffin Rooms :

Heard the MTR brand ?? Well MTR is the short form of Mavalli Tiffin Rooms...well this is a very very old restaurant...dates back to 1924...the moment you enter this place..u will come to know and this indeed is a place of existence before independence....the ground floor serves fast food and tiffins...and the first floor serves meals...

I went to first floor...the waiting time is tooo long !! though i just had to wait for 30 mins...dont be shocked to see the its outdated..what matters here is the taste and the brand name where u are sitting at...the food is all vegetarian...a fixed price of 110 rs ..and u are entitled to eat the unlimited meal which includes a very simple food..not typical south indian...they serve puri...dals...salads..juice..2 types of sweets..snacks..etc...The juice is served in silver glasses...the waters wear dhoti..

Mavalli tiffin room have many ministers in their list of visitors..even they used to wait for hours to have the food here...MTR also has the world record of serving 21000 customes in 7 hours..

The exit of this restaurant passes by the that u can get a glimpse of the cooking methodology and hygiene....there is a waiting hall..with snaps of black n white ...the wash basin is interesting..has a foot - pedal tap...i saw it for the first time in my life...the place is always jam packed...

6) Java City, Lavelle Road..

A cafe located right next to mocha on lavelle road...One of best Cafe's i have seen in bangalore...the place is quite spacious...which is rare in bangalore...

They serve variety's of coffee..and lots of snacks item...the cafe is wifi enabled...really nice place to go sit back ..relax n have a smooth drink...muzik not too loud but good...usually jam packed in evenings and weekends..

An ideal place if u want that perfect Cafe experience

More reviews coming soon.....Bon Apetite !

1 comment:

Anu said...

sexy analysis...!
write abt more restaurants... u r doing a commendable jobs.. for more restaurants info, iam ur guide!! lols...