Hi..its been long time since i have written anything on my blog...

Bangalore....its been over 6 months now that i have been living in this city..I am really desperate to write about this city....

Well let me straight away tell you my experiences in this city...Frankly speaking i dont like this city at all...and there are n number of reasons ...

Bangalore is not a city to live your life to the fullest...its a city that can kill your life......its a city that can make you fall in depression...its a city that can make your life worst than you would have ever thought of...its a city that can burn your pockets...

Why is the question in your mind...The very first thing that comes to my mind is the TRAFFIC......I have seen traffic in many cities..delhi..mumbai..kolkata..pune..but seriously the traffic of Bangalore cant be compared at all...All big cities have this problem..but still somehow you manage to move on ..but this cities traffic has some ingredient filled in it that can irritate you frustrate you till such an extent that you would have never imagined of...Be it any area any it any mode of transport...cycle it any time of the it any season..any month....the traffic here is horrible...and you dont have any solution for it..but just to be a part of it...

Dont be surprised if you reach a distance of 2 kms in 30 mins...this is bangalore...the modern young IT hub of India...Welcome to Bengaluru...

If you wanna live need to be crorepati....or else get out from this city...A place where you are charged 7rs/ km in an auto rickshaw is not ideal for the common man ..not even for the upper middle class too...

Food is something which is going to harass you like anything....You get everything here..who says you dont get food ..but the problem is of the cost..and more than that the taste.....The restaurants here are go there order your need to wait for a long time...and then you need to STAND and if you are singing a national anthem...these are the types of restaurants you get to see in Bangalore....Moving to a higher level restaurants...the charge is high no doubt..but the taste is again might feel as if its cooked by some foriegner who doesnt know Indian cooking...

Weather..this is highly appreciated by the ones who live here...Agreed till some extent..The weather here is pleasant..but dont be shocked to see rain at any moment rains so always need to carry an umbrella with you...

Bangalore is known as the VIRUS capital too...both the electronic as well as the medical virus...Its very common here to get infected if you are about to visit this place for some days...

Hang out in bangalore ??? well FORGET there is no place to relax..or to sit and have peace...No place apart from a few malls to hang out...A famous place called as the Brigade road is so small that in 2 visits you could memorize the total number of shops...brigade is nothing but a mall on road.... this is really a horrible thing..which i never expected in Bangalore...Youth or teenagers...hardly seen anywhere..I have hardly seen teenagers in bangalore....I dont know where they are what do they do !! you can just see 25+ people in this city...and the local crowd is surely a big time trouble..they cant communicate properly..and they stare so badly to outsiders ...

Infrastructure....well this is one of the main reasons why I didnt like bangalore....This city probably has the highest number of ONE WAYS in India....its so irritating to see every next road or lane as a ONE WAY.....The roads here are so so so narrow than even a car like NANO wouldnt run here....If the infrastructure doesnt improve here shortly...m sure Bangalore would fall so badly as did the sensex in past 6 months....

I have a lot more to write...I have explored a lot in the past few months...i have roamed abour 4000 kms in bangalore...I have seen the north..the south..the west..the east of bangalore...i have seen it all...and all that i have seen tells me one thing that BANGALORE SUCKS ..nothing else...dont ever ever ever come here for any purpose in life unless you dont get any other may earn a lakh rs per month here..but there is no life ....stay away from this killing city of bangalore...

1 comment:

Anu said...

hey anks...bang isnt that bad ya !!