31st December, 2008.

Well today is the last day of a very very vital n important year of my life...2008..I wont say that it was the best year for me...nor this year did a miracle to me...nothing so special..yet important....

It is the year when i completed my graduation...and entered into the arena of post-graduation studies....
This is the year which seperated me from my home for the first time....

This is the year which has taught me a lot....

This is the year which has made me learn the value of money...the value of friends..the value of all closed n dear ones...

This is the year which has made me realize the importance of career....

2008 was the year which helped me to connect with soo many new friends......

...........Now lemme write what 2008 was all about........

Completed my graduation with all luck no work...
Each festival was like a Carnival ( Except Diwali)..
Earned nothing but spended madly on all great stuffs...
used over 200 GB of net...
around 25000+ test messages...
Added many gadgets to my collection...
Generated an income of above 20000 for restaurants..
and 30000 for petrol pumps...
Travelled madly for about 35000 kms...
over 100 new friends..
registered over 40 complains with various companies..
around 715 hours of Muzik...
n lots more to mention...
Worst part was isolation for some days...
rest a great year...and the passion will continue for 2009 as well..


Hi..its been long time since i have written anything on my blog...

Bangalore....its been over 6 months now that i have been living in this city..I am really desperate to write about this city....

Well let me straight away tell you my experiences in this city...Frankly speaking i dont like this city at all...and there are n number of reasons ...

Bangalore is not a city to live your life to the fullest...its a city that can kill your life......its a city that can make you fall in depression...its a city that can make your life worst than you would have ever thought of...its a city that can burn your pockets...

Why is the question in your mind...The very first thing that comes to my mind is the TRAFFIC......I have seen traffic in many cities..delhi..mumbai..kolkata..pune..but seriously the traffic of Bangalore cant be compared at all...All big cities have this problem..but still somehow you manage to move on ..but this cities traffic has some ingredient filled in it that can irritate you frustrate you till such an extent that you would have never imagined of...Be it any area any it any mode of transport...cycle it any time of the it any season..any month....the traffic here is horrible...and you dont have any solution for it..but just to be a part of it...

Dont be surprised if you reach a distance of 2 kms in 30 mins...this is bangalore...the modern young IT hub of India...Welcome to Bengaluru...

If you wanna live need to be crorepati....or else get out from this city...A place where you are charged 7rs/ km in an auto rickshaw is not ideal for the common man ..not even for the upper middle class too...

Food is something which is going to harass you like anything....You get everything here..who says you dont get food ..but the problem is of the cost..and more than that the taste.....The restaurants here are go there order your need to wait for a long time...and then you need to STAND and if you are singing a national anthem...these are the types of restaurants you get to see in Bangalore....Moving to a higher level restaurants...the charge is high no doubt..but the taste is again might feel as if its cooked by some foriegner who doesnt know Indian cooking...

Weather..this is highly appreciated by the ones who live here...Agreed till some extent..The weather here is pleasant..but dont be shocked to see rain at any moment rains so always need to carry an umbrella with you...

Bangalore is known as the VIRUS capital too...both the electronic as well as the medical virus...Its very common here to get infected if you are about to visit this place for some days...

Hang out in bangalore ??? well FORGET there is no place to relax..or to sit and have peace...No place apart from a few malls to hang out...A famous place called as the Brigade road is so small that in 2 visits you could memorize the total number of shops...brigade is nothing but a mall on road.... this is really a horrible thing..which i never expected in Bangalore...Youth or teenagers...hardly seen anywhere..I have hardly seen teenagers in bangalore....I dont know where they are what do they do !! you can just see 25+ people in this city...and the local crowd is surely a big time trouble..they cant communicate properly..and they stare so badly to outsiders ...

Infrastructure....well this is one of the main reasons why I didnt like bangalore....This city probably has the highest number of ONE WAYS in India....its so irritating to see every next road or lane as a ONE WAY.....The roads here are so so so narrow than even a car like NANO wouldnt run here....If the infrastructure doesnt improve here shortly...m sure Bangalore would fall so badly as did the sensex in past 6 months....

I have a lot more to write...I have explored a lot in the past few months...i have roamed abour 4000 kms in bangalore...I have seen the north..the south..the west..the east of bangalore...i have seen it all...and all that i have seen tells me one thing that BANGALORE SUCKS ..nothing else...dont ever ever ever come here for any purpose in life unless you dont get any other may earn a lakh rs per month here..but there is no life ....stay away from this killing city of bangalore...


I would like to share my views and experience about social networking...
There are many incidents I want to share....this is just one of those...

A few months back I was planning to give IBSAT...icfai entrance i logged into orkut..and searched for ibsat...I could get all the details regarding IBSAT from the icfai community...I interacted with the icfai ex- students they told me about the exams...

Next was the results..and the call later...we were supposed to go Hyderabad for our Micro presentation and Interviews..

By was able to know which student is coming from which city...which college...what they look...whats their age...which topic they were going to speak on...what was the content of their topic...what was their date of interview ...

thats not the end..

I also came to know their mode of transport...the hotel they were going to stay in...the dress they were going to wear...

All this ...well in advance ...just by the power of social networking website - Orkut !

I believe from one way its good...but from the other side..its not good as the CURIOSITY just vanishes away....

The curiosity which I used to have earlier before visiting any new place is all gone..Now i know everything well in advance..!!

I will be joining IBS -BAGALORE from 1st may...but see the effect of social networking..I have already chatted with about 150 students out of the 400 students about to join the campus...

I have come to know A to Z of the Campus..the food..the hostels..the flats..the area...the internet facilities..the pubs ...faculties...all just by interacting with the Seniors...

Who needs a broker ?? We can get it direct from Orkut..many brokers have joined the icfai community to earn giving leads of various flats with rates..and no surprises left ! they have even uploaded the pictures of each and every flat with a 360 degree view !!!

I think nothing is left to know now...I havent visited bangalore ever since past 10 years...but with the help of I know each n everything about the city...Thanks to the Communities such as Bangalore food junctins...Bangalore City...etc etc...

Apart from social networking there is something more to add spice in this game..
with sites like wikimapia I also saw my campus..and its near by places ...

And google Earth helped me calculate all the distances...Right from VASTRAPUR to ICFAI BANGALORE !!..from airport to my hostel...from station to my auntys home..and what not..

A day is going to come soon..when everyone would be knowing the next person on road...

The Charm of 1st day of College is not going to be so Vibrant as it could have been if there was no orkut today ...

Whatever I wrote above is not just with my this is the situation for all colleges...Every Student is doing the same thing it IIT ..NIT...MICA...NIRMA...NID...or apna PT !! ..

Now thats what I call Social Networking Effect !!


I have always been fond of traveling.But hardly I get any road where I could test my cars performance..

One such road is the Mumbai - Pune Express highway.Amazing landscape.The road passes through the western ghats.Its a six lane expressway.Its very busy but the scenic view keeps the drive peaceful.We get to pass by from 4 to 5 tunnels, bridges, sharp turns.In the mid way you could escape out to Lonavala too - A hill station

Ahmedabad - Baroda Expressway:

This expressway connects the twin cities Ahmedabad - Baroda in Gujarat.Total length is approximately 90 kms.Its coded as NE-1.
Its a four lane expressway with a much low traffic than it should have been.The reason behind low traffic is another parallel highway connecting these cities.

The highway has 2 exits at Anand and Nadiad. It has an accident helpline number too.The highway passes by the farm lands on both sides.Many times animals like cows and dogs enter into the expressway. In the past many accidents have happened at this expressway.

Please carry enough fuel as you wont find many fuel stations on this highway.Plus also do carry a spare air filled tyre. In case of a puncture you may have a tough time as there is just 1 shop which repairs tyre on this expressway.

Happy journey !

Patang - Revolving restaurant

Patang - The revolving restaurant.

Patang is a Gujarati as well as Hindi word which means " kite "

This restaurant is located in Ahmedabad.

Looks really stunning and gives a 360 Degree view of Ahmedabad.Its the tallest structure of Gujarat.

But the restaurant offers only Vegetarian food.

This restaurant was shut down for about 6 years after a massive earthquake in the year 2001.The Restaurant was re-launched in 2007.

The Patang restaurant isnt safe enough too.Its structure is not safe because the kitchen is located below the dining area.Which mean if there is any fire in the kitchen its going to cause a big disaster, as there is no way to escape.Even the stairs are not wide enough for exit.

So this is one place where you get a breath taking view and at the same time your life is on the verge of losing your breath !

Ahmedabad - Megacity with Mega problems

Ahmedabad is the unofficial capital of Gujarat.

The city doesnt specialize into anything to have its own identity like Bangalore is for IT, Surat is for Diamonds.

Ahmedabad has grown a lot in terms of size of the city and population as well.The city has got a lot of market space.Ahmedabad is basically a city for the businessmen.

Ahmedabad houses the top educational institutes of the country.

PRL ... and many more.

The major problem with Ahmedabad was its people. Probably the worst civic sense even by Indian standards.

The entire city is highly money-minded.They can do anything and everything to earn money.This is the typical mentality of common man in Ahmedabad.

The city is user-friendly.And yes its safe as well compared to other Indian cities.

Till 2006, Ahmedabad was not having good Infrastructure.Airport lacked facilities, Roads were not upto the mark, No flyovers, No good transportation facility as well.

But suddenly in the year 2007, Ahmedabad started to change.

But still what makes a city lively is its people, which would take decades to change.

Gujarati thali

Gujarati thali - What does it mean ?

Well this is a typical cuisine of Gujarat - a State in India.

You get a fixed meal with fixed menu at a fixed rate.

The best part of this kind of meal is you can eat " Unlimited " whatever is available in the menu.
The menu keeps on changing daily.
Usually the food is very oily and a hint of sweetness in almost each and every food item.
Prices range from 25 to 500 rupees. Average price in Ahmedabad of reputed Gujarat thali restaurant is about 70 to 80 rupees.
Its a nice experience to eat this kind of cuisine.Do try it out once in you lifetime.Its more of enjoying the way of presenting the cuisine rather than eating the food !


Surat - Rising like a phoenix.

Surat is one such city which has got that fighting spirit in itself.The city has got a big bunch of dynamic, enthusiastic people.

The city is basically famous for its diamond industry and textile hub.

The city has been ranked as No.1 destination in India to earn Money.

According to a U.N.Survey , Surat is Worlds fastest Growing City.

Its one of the most Cleanest cities of India.

Surat has the highest GDP growth rate in India i.e 11.5 %

Surat is famous for its cuisines as well....

I have seen almost all the top 20 cities of India...but believe me nothing like SURAT....surat is not much famous...but the spirit which i have seen in this city is just mind it any condition they are always ready to take the challenge...this was best seen during the mamoth floods of 2006 when surat was dipped 95% in water...One of the worst floods ever in the history of India...Surat's diamond and Textile industry were shattered..but just within few weeks the city was back in track...all this without any support frm media, central government...Surat stood on its own feet unlike mumbai which got support frm the entire nation...

Mumbai and Surat have always been rivals to each other....since the time of British Rule...Surat was not alloted an airport till 2007...just due to cheap politics..politicians, traders knew if surat gets an airport it will harm the economy of mumbai ..but after years of struggle..surat finally managed to get an Airport in may 2007...

Surat is probably the richest city of India..a survey in 2008 revealed that surat families have the richest household income in India...this can be seen even in real life when u visit the city...porsche, audi , bmw are very common here...the Diamond and Textile business has filled the pockets of people here with tons of Cash...

Surat nu jaman ...kaashi nu maran.. This is a gujarati phrase..which means... " if you wanna die go to kashi ( an auspicious place ) and if you wanna eat food come to surat ."
Surat is very famous for its cuisine...Locha , khamani, udhyu, poke etc are just a few of the famous surti cuisines...

The cleanest city ....WEll way back in 1994 surat was the Dirtiest city of was hit by plague...many people died and thousands suffered..a deadly disease which is caused by rats due to unclean environment...The then mayor of Surat....SSR Rao...took a rapid force action to clean the entire city..and this worked out..With some master plans..a team of sweapers..and various machines...surat was transformed to India's Cleanest city...and this can be seen today also...Every night the team of cleaners...swipe the roads of the city...their r dustbins every 100 meters in Surat...The city roads are too clean...Roads are cleaned using various disinfectants and utmost care...